Remember those days when we used to come out from exams and quickly check through our textbook to see if we had given the right answers or not? As part of human nature, we always overanalyze our performance in stressful situations to make sure that we do our best. Job hunting is also the same case.
Quickly after leaving a job interview, your first thoughts are most likely: How did I do? Did I give the right answers? Will they call me back? In some scenarios, you may be assured that you comprehensively failed the interview, and in some, you will have a positive outlook. However, most of the time, you have no idea.
A key indicator of how well your interview went is the time that you invested in the interview. Although you cannot use these rules to measure the success of every single interview in the right way, it will still give you an overview of most of the scenarios.
We recently had a professional poll on LinkedIn to discover how long job interviews are and what they think a good initial interview should last. We have used the results and feedback to offer you the following guidelines. So, let’s begin with all the crucial details.
Interview Durations and What Do They Mean
40% of professionals voted that a good interview should last at least 45 minutes. If your interview lasted more than 45 minutes, it is a good sign that the employer is interested in bringing you on board. In this section, we have mentioned how long the interview isand what it means. Similar to Advertisement Resume Tips, there are some tips for your interview that you need to follow. Furthermore, along with knowing the insights of durations, you need to know how early you should be for an interview. This is your chance to create a positive impression on the recruiter and show them how punctual you are.
15 Minutes Or Less
If your interview lasted for 15 minutes or less, then it was not a good interview. When you arrived, they already realized that you didn’t meet the minimum qualification required for the role, and therefore, they were not interested in investing their time. Or, you may not have appeared as a good fit for their organization’s culture based on your professional dress. First impressions are important, and something in you told them that you weren’t the right one for the job.
30 Minutes
So, it was just long enough if you were in an interview for 30 minutes or more. Hiring managers will generally schedule about 30 minutes to interview a candidate for most positions. If your interview lasted more than 30 minutes, you know you answered all the questions well.
However, for a short amount of time, we have not been able to know whether or not you will be invited back for a second interview. It is entirely up to you to review and understand your answers to each question to judge whether or not you amazed the interviewer.
45 Minutes
45 minutes is a perfect number in the world of interviews. Along with 40% of the professionals who polled on LinkedIn, a good first interview should last longer than 45 minutes.
This means that you went more than the allotted time that the hiring manager had to put aside, and that’s okay because you answered the questions so well that they wanted to hear more.
1 hour
A 1-hour interview is a good sign for most of the career levels. Executive level professionals will search themselves in 1-hour interviews more usually than all other levels of employees. This is because the hiring manager will conduct a more detailed interview for higher-level candidates. Furthermore, if you are applying for a higher position but don’t have a strong resume, it will negatively impact your hiring procedure. So, search for professional resume writers like TopResume Canada and get expert help crafting a professional job application.
If, during this 1-hour interview, you were asked to meet with a secondary person or accomplish some on-site testing, then you know that the hiring manager is serious about considering you for the role or at least for a second interview.
These rules and timelines will change according to the type of interview. Some other factors will impact the length of the interview, such as the level of the position, the hiring practices of the company, and the hiring manager’s schedule. Also, you need to have a clear understanding of the length of your answer. Keep in mind that you have to answer in a way that clears all the doubts of the hiring team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a 30-minute interview a good sign?
The normal duration in person lasts between 45 minutes to 1 hour. However, having an interview that lasts for 30 minutes only is normal. It is important to keep in mind that recruiters may have everything they desire to know, or they may not want to proceed further.
How do you know that you are rejected in an interview?
Hiring managers who are interested may give a tour of the office. If they don’t tell you about the job duties and other details, then they may not have confirmed you. When they provide detailed planning to the employees, they are interested in hiring them.
What if the interview ends early?
If your interview ended before the decided time, it may show that the recruiter made the decision early. They may have decided to move to the next applicant. If the hiring manager seems in a hurry, cut the interview, and reschedule it, then they are interested in hiring you and knowing the details later.
It’s a Wrap
Keep in mind that these are average or typical times. Don’t overstress yourself by the duration of the interview. It has different meanings in different scenarios. For instance, if your interview lasts for 30 minutes, this means that the recruiter has enough time to discuss things with you. But if it lasts within 10 minutes, that doesn’t mean the hiring manager thinks you are not a good fit for the role. It could simply show they got all the information needed from you in a short time period.
However, if you are in a more technical or final stage and it lasts only for 10 or even 30 minutes, there is a possibility that you are not an ideal fit for the role. On the other hand, it is possible that you amazed the recruiters at that particular time.